I wasn't sure if I was going to get around to doing a piece for Mixed Media Monday this week, with enchantment being the challenge. Our household has been overwhelmed with sickness. My husband has been sick for close to 2 weeks with an upper respiratory infection. My son Fischer ended up at the hospital this past week needing IV fluids for dehydration from nonstop throwing up for over 24 hours. When that cleared up he started with a fever and now has what my husband has. During all of this Amelia decided she should also have a fever and cough. Myself? Well, so far so good, but I'm not feeling top notch, so I'm loading up on the Elderberry Elixir that a friend of mine makes. It's packed with Vitamin C and will help me give a good fight. I was able to find a little bit of time between all of this sickness for a painting. We're definitely not feeling much for enchantment in our household right now!

Gorgeous artwork...beautifully created.
This is a beautiful piece ( even though your week has been less than enchanting)! Your style is so expressive. Hope everyone is getting better!
Very cool! I love the wings.
Just beautiful--and God bless you and your family...I hope everyone feels better soon!!!
Amazing you are so creative in spite of so much going on--amazing, girl!!!
Oh! This is perfect! I love the addition of the tin (?) wings - they set so well against the bold colors of your painting. Thank you too for your kind comments - you made me smile! Hope you are all well, I know from experience how horrible it is to see your baby in the hosipital: I will be thinking of you all, Kristin xo
Love your collage--it is enchanting. Hope you don't catch the creepie crawlies!!
I hope your art gave you a wee bit of escape from all the sickness. May next week be a better one. In the meantime, your "enchanted" is enchanting!!
Beautiful collage! love the bright colours and the wings!! hope everyone get better soon :)
Very beautiful
Another great piece, Tammy--your style is one of my favorites. I know what your going through with the sicknesses. When my kids were young (I have 5), it was a never-ending battle--hope everyone is better soon!!!
wonderful painting ...and I hope you feel better soon!!!
So lovely, get well!
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